Ahad, 28 Julai 2013

A Note from C.Robin to Pooh

Christopher Robin to Pooh:

"Promise me you'll always
remember: You're braver
than you believe, and stronger than
you think you
are, and smarter than you think."
I remember way back as a younger I
used to dream
BIG dreams. Impossible dreams.
Though I never once thought they
were "impossible"
way back then because, as a kid,
everything seems
possible. Didn't it?
Then as we grew older and had
time to experience
a few set backs and a few
disappointments... somewhere
along the line we stopped dreaming
big and starting
settling for what we thought we
COULD accomplish or
what we felt we DESERVED.

It's tragic, really.
Because if you have ever succeeded
at doing anything
well... then you have everything
you need to succeed
at ANYTHING well... except the
belief that you still
can make wonderful things happen.
So here's my thought. Take a few
minutes out of your
day to dream BIG once again.
Divide your life up into areas
important to you.

* Financial Goals
* Family & Relationships, and
* Spiritual Development

Have a heart-to-heart conversation
with yourself and
discover, once again, where you
would like to be - if
a lack of money, time, skill, AND
belief were not an
issue - where you would like to be
in each of these areas.

How would you LIKE your life to
look? What would a
perfect day consist of? Where would
you find yourself?
Who would you be hanging out
with? Where would you
be hanging out?

Take notes and jot your dreams
down. Play with them
and flesh them out a little bit each
Give yourself PERMISSION to dream
big and design - if
only on paper and in your
imagination - your perfect life.
Because it is only AFTER you know
where you are going
that you'll be able to set in motion
the things that can
take you there. So begin by
dreaming and always remember:
"You're braver than you believe,
and stronger than
you think you are, and smarter than
you think."
Bless and be blessed,

Khamis, 25 Julai 2013

Lelaki puas hati jika isteri jaga badan.

memang BETUL artikel ni. Bukan tak sayang kalau bini jadi gemuk. tapi kurang selesa tengok gadis idaman dulu jadi igauan. Aduh!
nak kurus? nak cantik? sms/whatsapp 0139733779

Selasa, 9 Julai 2013

Puasa dengan Herbalife

Selamat datang Ramadhan! Ini adalah tahun kedua saya berpuasa dengan nutrisi Herbalife. Apa kelebihan berpuasa dengan makanan canggih ni?
Dah tentu nutrisi selular yang berikan kepuasan kepada badan dan tenaga sepanjang hari!
Bezanya apabila saya menggantikan santapan saya dengan makanan cangggih. Bangun pagi rasa segar tanpa perlu kunci jam. Tak perlu lagi bersusah payah nak masak/panaskan lauk. Tiada lagi sibuk2 nak basuh pinggan, periuk, segala benda. Dan paling best, tak ada rasa nk sambung tidur lepas sahur. Ibadah sepanjang hari pun lebih khusyuk. Masa berbuka pun saya guna nutrisi Herbalife untuk dapatkan semula tenaga dan lebih penting, tak macam makanan biasa tidak mengantuk selepas makan. Pun mudah disediakan. Bila terawikh tak perlu lawan rasa mengantuk. Memang best. Belanja pun jimat :) yeay!

Jumaat, 21 Jun 2013

salin kulit

terjumpa gambar masa kena demam sarap. badan panas giler. body jadi kejang. kulit semua habis menggelupas. 2 minggu tak tido malam. alhamdulillah, Herbalife bantu supply tenaga dan membentuk kulit baru yg lebih cantik. :)

Rabu, 19 Jun 2013

Pengembaraan Extravaganza Bangkok 2013

Hampir seminggu saya di Bangkok menyertai acara anjuran syarikat kebugaran No.1, Herbalife! Extravaganza Bangkok sangat luar biasa!
Ini adalah kali kedua saya ke Extravaganza. Extravaganza pertama saya ialah di Singapura tahun lepas.
Untuk acara kali ini, saya lebih bersedia. Tidak lagi tidur di tepi jalan, bangunan atau longkang. Saya sudah keluar dari zon kemiskinan. Alhamdulillah! Terima kasih Allah!
Sedikit coretan sempena minggu saya ke Bangkok.
Banyak kewibawaan saya sebagai pemimpin dikorek oleh jurulatih saya yang sengaja memberi tugasan dan saya sendiri juga telah bersiap memikul apa2 tanggungjawab.
Bermula seawal 11 Jun di Kuantan, setelah selesai program RBTC, saya menyiapkan segala keperluan seperti baju, makanan ringan(Herbalife punya ok) dan beberapa aksesori yang berguna.
Keluar dari rumah pada pukul 7petang, saya terus ke Terminal Makmur untuk naik bas ke KL pada jam 8 malam.
Cabaran pertama berlaku ketika kami baru bertolak dari bas. Pemandu baru nak pergi isi minyak hitam menyebabkan perjalanan kami lewat 1jam. Termasuk seorang peserta yang sengaja provoke pemandu tersebut... Tiada pergaduhan cuma, pemandu sedikit berang dengan tindakan peserta. Cabaran pertama diatasi!
Selesai perjalanan, sampai saja di KL. Kami terpaksa menunggu bas lain untuk ke Hatyai.
Jadi, sebab bosan sangat nak kena tunggu sampai 3 jam. Kami pun main permainan 'Teka aksi'. hehehehe... seronok sangat main, sampai tak sedar kontijen dari negeri lain juga dah sampai.
Cabaran kedua diatasi!
Bermula dari sini, semua cabaran dah mula dilupakan.
Bertolak seawal 5 pagi dari KL, kami tiba di Changloon lebih kurang pukul 12 tengah hari. Tukar matawang dan makan tengahari.
Kemudia teruskan perjalan ke Hatyai yang mengambil masa kurang lebih 4 jam. Kat sana, terus cari kedai untuk tukar kad sim untuk memudahkan komunikasi. Taklah mahal. Sama je dengan harga di Malaysia. 249baht(rm25) kad sim termasuk kredit seminggu unlimited.
Lepas shopping dan jalan2 di Hatyai, lebih kurang 2 jam, kereta api pun sampai dan kami terus naik.
Banyak perkara berlaku dalam kereta api, meeting, games & eating. hahaha! Sangat menyeronokkan. Layanan pun macam VIP. ada couch & katil. Sampai di Bangkok lebih kurang 10pagi waktu Thailand pada 13hb. Naik shuttle bus kul 11.30 & sampai hotel dalam kul 12 tengah hari camtu. Terus boleh check in. Siap check in, rehat jap. pastu gi jalan-jalan. Mandi swimming pool dan jalan2 lagi. Esoknya baru pergi register & belajar dengan gembiranya dalam event selama 3 hari.
Kat Hotel yang kami tinggal ni banyak restoran muslim dan dekat dengan tempat pelancongan. Kos belanja pun sama je ngan kat Malaysia. Tapi apa yg saya boleh kata, makan sayur kat Thai rasanya tak selazat di Malaysia. Rasanya agak aneh walaupun sayur yang sama.
Hari Ahad, lepas event, kami terus dibawa ke Restoran yang agak santai, mesra pelanggan dan buffer dinner yang sangat murah! Sedap pulak tuh. cuma 160baht sahaja sekepala!

secara total, saya habiskan cuma RM880 sahaja untuk segala urusan pengankutan, penginapan & makan tengah hari. rm200 untuk shopping, makanan tambahan(dinner dll) & pengangkutan awam ke tempat2 selain yang dipakejkan. secara total, cuma RM1500 termasuk tiket acara.

Jom sertai saya dalam misi nutrisi sejagat Herbalife. Bantu ubah hidup anda dan orang lain, serta bina hidup luar biasa!
0139733779 mynutrisi123@yahoo.com

Ahad, 9 Jun 2013

Herbalife tipu!

"Herbalife tipu !
Saya makan sebulan tak turun2 pun !"
Dalam sebuah kelas, ada seorang pelajar gagal dalam peperiksaannya. Adakah ia salah
sekolah? atau guru yang mengajar sedangkan pelajar lain boleh lulus cemerlang ?
Jika anda gagal dalam Herbalife, bukan salah produk atau syarikat, tapi salah diri anda sendiri.
Adakah anda ikut cakap jurulatih anda? Bersungguhkah anda menggunakan produk?
Sila nilaikan semula usaha anda.

Ramai orang dari seluruh dunia yang berpuas hati dengan hasil nutrisi Herbalife termasuk saya.
INGAT ! Herbalife bukan ubat, tapi makanan nutrisi untuk badan.
INSHA ALLAH kesihatan terpelihara, ibadah pun cantik.
call 013-9733779 utk dapatkan produk & khidmat latihan bagi sesiapa yang serius nak turun/naik berat badan, cantikkan kulit, tambah tenaga dan bebas dari cabaran kesihatan.

Jumaat, 17 Mei 2013

Video keek pertama

video keek 1st. 7.20pg Jumaat 17May2013. #FRD2013 #Herbalife #MyNutrisi123 #gayahidup sihat http://www.keek.com/!R5Jecab

Losing weight rules - Health magazine

Here's the rules of rules for losing
weight and seeing results. If you
live and die by them, you're
guaranteed to see results.
drink more water - you can never have too much water. Well, you can, but it's unlikely you'll get there. Try drinking 1oz of water for every pound of weight. Example: a 130lb woman would drink 130oz of water per day.
adjust your portion sizes - most
people eat decent meals, but they
just eat too much. It doesn't matter if it's a chicken dinner with rice or a salad, make sure you're not eating more than you should.
lower your sugar intake - sugar is the pesky reason why it's so hard to burn off that belly fat and get results quicker. It sticks around way longer than healthy composition substances and will likely results in weight gain instead of weight loss.
limit carbs to 1x per day - this
applies to carbs like breads, tortillas, starches, and anything else heavy/starchy. Eat them early in the day to get the energy your body needs, but don't over do it. Healthy doses of carbs in fruits and vegetables are not frowned upon.
no fast food! - this almost goes
without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. NO. FAST. FOOD. You'll wreck your diet, even if you opt for the salad. So often is it that you'll eat a fast food meal, made and held together with who-knows-what, and you'll eat an entire 2 meals worth of calories in one sitting.
Good luck and great results!

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Top 10 Important Factors for Search Engine Ranking

If you want a successful website, you need to have a large and relevant audience. The best method to improving your traffic quality is by raising your search engine optimization.

Here are the top 10 factors you can use to affect your optimization results and bring you more quality traffic.

1. Keywords
This factor is one of the most important to making your site more optimized. Place relevant keywords in your content and titles to get better search results and to give the Google spiders a better idea of what your site is all about.

2. Linking
Create backlinks from trustworthy and authoritative websites to raise your SEO rank.

3. Internal Linking
Link to any other websites of your own that contain relevant topics.
This is a sure way to bring traffic to your old posts.

4. Social Media
Now that social media has risen in power, it is important that you create material that can easily be shared. In addition, having a social
media status will raise your ranking level as well.

5. SEO Tools
Many tools claim that they will help to raise your SEO, but finding the right ones that will work for you is key. Search for a tool that will show your descriptions and titles appear clean and easy to recognize.

6. URLs
Come up with a URL structure that is neat and clean. Avoid using symbols, numbers, or letters that do not contribute to your website’s brand

7. Metadata
Meta descriptions, titles, and keyword tags make it easier for Google to identify your website
industry and for your readers to find you and decide what content will meet their needs.

8. Speed and Cleanliness
Make your webpages easy and quick to load. Utilize HTML5 for better search results and loading speed. Avoid using Flash or JavaScript, as they are not optimized for search engines.
9. Content
Create content that is high quality
and is of relevance to your visitors.
The writing must use language that can be understood by humans, and not just search engine robots. In addition, avoid rewriting, plagiarizing, or not making new contributions, as those practices can harm your site quality.

10. Frequency
Creating regular content will allow web crawlers and spiders to visit your pages more often. Make sure to publish your posts in intervals and not grouped to have the best results.

The factors listed above will give you a general idea of what it takes to establish your SEO well. Use them to your advantage and as a result, your audience, conversion rates, and sales will go up as well.

Please Share this Post Via Social
Media with Your Friends and

Ahad, 12 Mei 2013


Ever heard something so logical, you wondered why you didn't already think of it?

One of the biggest challenges in Law of Attraction is maintaining the appropriate vibration level.

Have you ever listened to music to cure a sad mood or listened to a song that made you happy?


So, wouldn't it make sense that when we stray from the appropriate level of vibration to manifest our dreams...


But not just any music. Sure, you can work through trial and error to find your appropriate collection... but why not let someone else do all the hard work?

Find immediate results to help improve your vibrations...

Isnin, 6 Mei 2013

Is this Keeping You From Success?

Do you know what's keeping most
people from living their dreams?
I don't think it's lack of desire or
If you're reading this I know you
have desire and you're motivated to
get more
out of life.
I believe the key difference
between those who succeed and
those who don't is a simple decision.
People who achieve more simply
DECIDED to go after their dreams.
You can toy around with the idea of
becoming wealthy all you want...
You can attend seminars, webinars
and buy programs 'till you're blue
in the face.
But the only way you'll start moving forward and making more m-oney is
when you
DECIDE to do it.
Decision kills procrastination.
And lack of decision is at the top of
the list of main causes of failure.
Have you really made the decision
to become wealthy and change your
The actions you take or don't take
on a daily basis are dictated by
whether you've made the decision to really
go for it.

Most people sit on the sidelines
and cheer, because they never made the decision to get in the game.
All the goodies go to those who
jump in with both feet and play.
Which one are you going to be?

If you decided enough is enough
and you're finally going to release
the brakes and go for it...
Then hang on to your seat.
We're about to unveil something

Something that will completely
revolutionize this industry and help you make more m-oney in the shortest amount of time possible...... without all the headaches and

But you must make a decision
RIGHT NOW whether you're ready to take the bull by the horns and make this year, the year you finally get f.ree.

Details coming soon...
